Restoration Family Therapy
CALL TODAY: 970 999 4499

The cost is $1995.00 and includes a cocktail party Thursday and Sunday, breakfast and lunch Friday, Saturday and Sunday, retreat training materials and supplies, and the only retreat experience like this in the country. Please note the retreat runs from 6pm on Thursday to 6pm on Sunday.
Registration & payment must be made before your place is confirmed in the retreat.
To reserve your hotel room, visit our Omni Interlocken Couple's Retreat page.
Passion For Life -
A Couples Intimacy Retreat
2023: TBD
Omni Interlocken Hotel, Broomfield, CO
Is your marriage all that it could be? Does your intimacy and connection fill you as you hoped? Or has life pulled you apart and left you feeling distant - longing for more?
You were designed for intimacy and pleasure - it was hard wired within you. The bond in marriage is the strongest when couples feel deeply loved, safe and connected. Marriage is most enjoyable when partners are having fun and sharing pleasure. The practice of love over the course of a lifetime is the incubator for learning the art of loving in all seasons.
In our fast paced culture, where are couples taught the skills needed to cultivate loving passion over time? This couples retreat introduces you to the spiritual side of intimacy - how to develop the skills to heal and grow your connection and heighten pleasure. And...it does all this while spoiling you and your marriage for 4 days.
This retreat will:
Help couples identify ideas and behaviors that have limited intimacy and sacred erotic expression
Provide mystic ideas that reveal God's design for loving communion
Provide teachings on touch, sensual expression and rituals of intimacy that deepen closeness and erotic experience
Assist couples in designing an intimate relationship that is sensual, intentional, connected and pleasure-filled
This retreat is designed for all couples who want to strengthen their emotional, sexual and spiritual bond - and who know intimacy can be so much more than what they have been taught or experienced.
Space is limited: 10 couples maximum. Please register now!